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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Welcome to Republican View!

Welcome to Republican View!

Right now the top story is the Florida Republican Primary next Tuesday (January 31st) which puts 50 very much needed delegates at stake but it doesn't stop at that folks. The Florida primaries are on a winner-takes-all basis which means that whoever wins it can count on another 50 delegates in their favour at the Republican National Convention.

Establishment favorite and ex-Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney just released his tax documents which show that the son of the 1964 Republican hopeful George W. Romney paid an effective federal income tax rate of 13,9% last year. Now, as a Republican, I am all for reduced taxes and even a flat tax rate about the rate that Romney paid but what'll probably weigh him down in the polls is that a lot of people object to when a man making $21.6 million a year pays a lower effective tax rate than they do when their capital gains aren't even comparable to those of Mr. Romney.

This has made itself obvious as he has plummeted from leading in the Florida polls with 43% over Gingrich's 23% last week to lagging behind the former Speaker of the House's 38%, having a meager 33% himself. One should also note that Florida is a rather liberal state and the few Evangelical Christians in the state that preferred Rick Santorum could hardly make such a difference to Gingrich's favor. What I believe is that a lot of non-moderate Republicans have started to realize after the South Carolina Primaries is that Gingrich actually does have a chance of winning and that Mitt Romney no longer is the inevitable nominee.

Whilst I would of course prefer the more conservative Rick Santorum and his strong family values over the man who asked his wife for an open marriage, I am kind of being swept up in the ABR (Anyone But Romney) wave as I realize that there is virtually no chance of Santorum winning the nominee and that Romney going up against Obama is essentially Obama going up against white Obama with (R) instead of (D).

Perhaps the name of our next President will be Newton Leary Gingrich, a welcome change from Barack Hussein Obama.

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