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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Romney Super-PAC Attacks Santorum

This ad started airing a while back in Florida, one of few ads attacking ex-Senator Rick Santorum who comes in third in the Florida polls. Does Romney know Santorum has something up his sleeve or is he just trying to widen the gap? I believe voters giving up on Santorum are very unlikely to go vote for liberal Romney, instead they'd probably turn to Gingrich - which does not benefit Romney in any way. If I ran the Romney Super-PAC, I'd run as many anti-Gingrich ads as I could, because he's the real threat to Romney in Florida - not Santorum. What would benefit Romney the most would probably be Conservatives splitting their votes between Gingrich and Santorum instead of all rallying up behind Newt.

1 comment:

  1. Hypocrites.... check out
