Before the Supreme Court's decision on Roe v Wade in 1973, abortion was only legal on request in 4 states out 50 (New York, Washington, Hawaii and Alaska). Out of the remaining 46, abortion was illegal on all grounds in 30 states, legal only in the case of rape in 1 state (Mississippi), legal only in case of danger to woman's health (Massachusetts and Alabama) and legal in case of danger to woman's health, rape, incest or likely damaged fetus in 13 states.
Whilst I think it's a great shame that not all states were like the 30 ones that appear red on the map, at least the states that didn't feel like legalizing murder of the unborn was the right thing to do could illegalize there. However, the Supreme Court felt that all states should legalize the murder of the unborn on privacy grounds. Now, personally, I believe that the state's role of protecting all innocent lives from the malicious intent of others comes before letting women abort their babies because they might '
be an inconvenient addition to their lives'. Another upsetting thing about the verdict, if one looks past the sheer violation of the infants' right to life, is the clear disregard for the will of the American people as demonstrated below:
Currently, 54% of Americans oppose either all abortions or all but "the exception" (rape, incest and mother's life). 39% agreed that abortion should only be legal in instances of rape, incest or prevent the death of the mother. Only 16% thought abortion should be illegal in all circumstances. Conversely, just 42% generally support abortion (26% saying it should always be legal with another 16% saying it should be legal in most circumstances)." ~Texas Right to Life on a 2005 poll by Gallup.
And this goes for all of the United States, including the neoliberals of the Northeast and the Northwest, and would almost certainly show even larger numbers opposing abortion if conducted only in the South. If one believes in states' right, surely one must think it's the states' right to outlaw abortion, regardless of the Supreme Court's very questionable ruling on Roe v Wade. And if one doesn't, surely one must at least think that the will of the people should matter more than the will of the Supreme Court.
There are those who say "
Why do you care? It's not your baby, let them have abortions if they wish" and to these extremely irresponsible persons I have the following to say: Let's say Person A goes out to murder Person B. You've never met either one or have even heard of them, yet you probably think that Person A is guilty of a horrendous crime that should not be legal, right? Why should different rules apply to the situation if Person B happens to be unborn? Life begins at conception and is God's most wonderful gift and the taking of an innocent life should be outlawed and swiftly punished. How can one justify the convencience of the mother outweighing the right to life of the infant? One cannot, because it is utterly insane!
The right to life is stated explicitly in the United States Constitution; let's honor it and overturn Roe v Wade! Since Obama and the rest of the Democrats won't do it, vote for Rick Santorum - a man committed to innocent lives' right not to be taken and the values that made America great.